
Delilah Whitu, Rotorua, NZ

This is so delicious and very good when I had bronchitis, it fixed me all up 🙂 


Jhyonni Rawiri, Ruatahuna, NZ

And can I just say
. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. Honey and Lime by the spoonful!


John McLean, Gisborne, NZ

How wonderful it is that the honey bee can fly into the flowering crowns of the pristine native forests of the Te Urewera and collect their superb nectars. The blend of tastes of the rewarewa, tawari, kanuka, hinau, tawhero and manuka nectars, among others, are stored within the combs of these hives. The delightful creamy honey that is produced sweetens the morning refreshment as well as providing a delightful dipping honey for the fruits of our breakfast. My thanks to the hard working “Children of the Mist” who make this pleasurable start to the day.


Radhika Dewan, Pachkula, India

It has rightly received the award of “The Best Tasting Honey in the World”. It suits my taste buds perfectly as its not too sweet. If you are looking for a more sweet tasting honey, you should go for the Tawari honey. Due to the rich color of Rewarewa honey, am also looking forward to try out recipes which include it!


Chris Young, NZ

Beautiful honey that my whole family loves.


Marilyn, Auckland, NZ

Best Manuka honey I have tasted
.. ever
and I have been eating Manuka honey since childhood in the 1950’s!
The texture is lovely and smooth; and the 100+ active manuka factor is a bonus. Excellent for both taste buds and health.


Sue, NZ

Manawa Manuka Honey is a very important part of my daily wellbeing. I always look forward to a rounded teaspoon of your smooth and delicious Manuka Honey as a topping on my yogurt, cereals and fruit each morning. I have an auto-immune gut and thus I can experience irritable bowel syndrome. For me I have found that a rounded teaspoon of your Manuka Honey each morning has helped to ease my symptoms. I have also adopted a FODMAP diet and follow the food guide recommendations available on the Monash University FODMAP Diet app. Monash University advise one teaspoon (7g) of Honey is low FODMAP at any one sitting. There is a lot of information available on the Web regarding Manuka Honey and irritable bowel syndrome.
Thank you so much again for your special “Honey from the Heart”. I enjoy reading the information on your excellent website, including the papers by Peter Molan, and your history and business model is an inspiration.


Richard Davis, Auckland, NZ

I stumbled upon Manawa Honey when looking for a good quality honey to have in my morning tonic. I found so much more than that. They promote regenerative practices and align with Matauranga Maori. Their transparency, story and ethos is one of a kind. And I love that they are also strictly against glysophate.

Carli Davis


Radhika Dewan, Pachkula, India

Dear Brenda

Hope you’re doing well! I had ordered honey from you back in the month of May. My family loved it. So I’m ordering a bigger box of Manuka Honey this time and also trying out the healing balm

We have a spoonful of this honey every now and then. But most importantly, we use it for minor throat issues like sore throat. It works like a charm when any of us gets a sore throat and we take half a spoon of it, it gets fine and doesn’t turn worse (else we would have to take medication)

Best wishes,



Laurel Barrington, Auckland, NZ

Hey All

I recently went to the Food Show for the first time ever and I bought some of your honey. Yum. Can’t stop eating the lime infused one. It’s nearly all gone. My brother in law loves his gift pack of three. He’s a honey nut too. Keep up the great work.

Kia ora koutou.


Sue Smith, Whakatane NZ

After reading the article in The Beacon about your success story with Manawa honey I wanted to support your company so bought a couple of jars of Tawari Honey.

I wasn’t disappointed, it’s delicious.

Congratulations on your business, you have done so well.


Sue Smith


Gabrielle, Patea, NZ

Kia ora Brenda 

Honey has arrived – perfect on a chilly day. Beautiful. 

I love the different flavours. My Dad kept bees – my Mum said she could tell what season the honey came from because of the flavour. I thought she was teasing us, but realise now how much different flowers affect the taste.

Thanks again for the well packed package.

Nga mihi, na Gabrielle


Radhika Dewan, India

Hi Brenda!

After a long wait of 3 weeks, we finally received the parcel!

All 3 varieties of honey taste superb. They are so distinct from each other. I was especially waiting for the Manuka honey, as its medicinal properties work like a charm on minor throat sore problems for my entire family! 

Even the honey and goat milk soap are great!

Thank you so much for making these products travel to us across thousands of miles in these travel restricted times 😀

Take care! Best wishes, Radhika


Marilyn, Auckland, NZ

CONGRATULATIONS to you and the team at Manawa Honey.  It is a truly deserved win. 

You lovely people have worked so hard to produce the best tasting honeys in the world. 😊

A little story: My 7 year-old  grand-daughter was up for vacation with her Mum and Dad. She had always been a bit indifferent to honey. Shortly after they arrived, I made her toast with your Rewarewa honey on it as part of her breakfast. She had  a taste and then gobbled up every piece on her plate and asked for more. Every morning after that she asked for toast with the yummy honey on! I tried her out with your manuka honey and that went down a treat as well. Her Mum  (my daughter) is so pleased that we have her now eating honey.

Thank you for the prompt dispatch of my order last week. Two of the Rewarewa pots and 2 of the Manuka pots are now on their way to my grand-daughter!


Marcus Baker, Whakatane, NZ

Hi Brenda

That is very cool! Well done to you and the team. Top of the world and three of out of top 20!!! 

I’m glad my taste buds agree with these competitions. We’re really lucky to have you guys in our rohe to feed us!

Nga mihi, Marcus


Jonathan Easthope, Wellington, NZ

Ka pai, well done [on your contest win] – no surprises there, that’s why I’ve been buying and enjoying your honey for so many years now always knew it would be best in the world!! Just don’t tell anyone or it will sell out! 

You should all be proud of your efforts to produce world class honey from the heart of Te Urewera

Nga mihi manahau 


Sue, Otago, NZ

Greetings Brenda,

I thoroughly enjoy your special Manuka Honey and my auto-immune gut etc., has benefited greatly from my daily rounded teaspoon of Manawa Manuka Honey. I use it as topping on my yogurt and cereals.

Keep safe, and thank you so much again for your special honey. Your history and business model is an inspiration.

Very best wishes to you all


Audrey Hamel, Toronto, Canada

I got to try Manawa’s manuka honey in Canada thanks to my kiwi husband. It is the most delicious honey I have ever tasted! It has such a delicate and floral taste. The creamy texture is very enjoyable. We sent some to my family and they absolutely loved it too. I contacted the company through the website to ask a question regarding their products and I was impressed with the detailed answer I received and how fast I received it. Great customer service! Thank you, Brenda.


David Purdue, Queensland, Australia

Thank you so much for the honey. It truly is the nectar of the gods. I love it; the wahine absolutely loves it. My tamariki are scabbing it from me, but I don’t mind giving them a taste of heaven

After tasting that honey and being a honey lover I can honestly say never have I tasted such beautiful honey. All the countries I’ve been and delegations I’ve hosted on behalf of NZTE and other parties – nothing compares


John Clough, NZ

I was one of the old fellas you met from Wairoa I brought some of your Manuka honey from the cafe got home decided to try some, well what a surprise it was absolutely beautiful so creamy loved it
.I don’t know who the young lady was that I was talking to at the cafe but boy she was good at promoting. Beautiful honey I love it.

John Clough


John, Wairoa

Hello Brenda. We all enjoyed meeting you today; our visit to Ruatahuna and surrounds and all the lovely smiling faces we met.. The day was full of pleasant surprises and well worth the journey. Your [Pua-a-Tane] honey is delicious.


Andrea Nagy, Auckland

Hello Beautiful people,

I just want to say HUGE THANK YOU! My mum loves that honey <3


Kate Frykberg, Wellington

We absolutely love it – the flavour is amazing. Have been recommending your honey to others too.


Helen Exeter, Dannevirke

Good afternoon everyone,  just like to say thank you for my amazing jar of honey.

As we get back to normal I’d like to think that our domestic market see as much good in this brand as I do.

Take care.

Kind regards.


Gifts & Souvenirs


Pere Maitai, Wellington

Kia ora e waku rangatira. Ngā mihi whānui ki a koutou o Ruatāhuna, TĆ«hoe hoki. Waihoa rātou, tātou te hunga ora, tēnā tātou katoa. Kāre e toroa ngā kƍrero ēngari māku e kii ki a koutou e reka ana a te rongoa, te hua a ngā atua Manawa Honey.

(Greetings o my supremo. Extensive greetings to you all of Ruatahuna and Tuhoe. For now leave those that have passed away and turn to all of us, who live on. I won’t drag out what I have to say, just to let you know my opinion about how Manawa Honey is so delicious – it’s an elixir, a bounty from the gods.)

Sweet beautiful honey from the mists of Ruatāhuna!!

Ngā mihi aroha!!

Nāku tēnei,

Pere Maitai, Wellington


David, Palmerston North

Kia ora,

thank you for the honey and the two extra pots. We received it and it’s delicious!

Take care,



Avi Chand, Hamilton, NZ

Kia ora Brenda,

Hope you have been well. Also thought I would let you know that we received our honey order last week, and the product is absolutely amazing!


Momi Afelin, Hawaii

Aloha all 
 I hope you guys are staying safe during this time. I’ve been using the honey that you shared with me to make honey lemon ginger tea for my dad and he loves it.




Wena Harawira, NZ

Kia ora e ngā kaimahi a Te Tuawhenua. I whakawhiwhia e taku Māmā tā koutou ipu miere (he mea toha ki ngā kaumātua) nā reira ka nui te mihi ki a koutou mƍ tēnā. Ngā manaakitanga a tƍ rātau Atua ki runga ki a koutou i roto i ēnei rā o te mate weriweri nei.

Wena Harawira



Kia ora the team of the Tuawhenua My mother was presented with a jar of your honey (it was shared out amongst our elders) and so I would like to thank you very much for that. May God take good care of you all through this terrible pandemic.

Wena Harawira


Jean Pierre Slootmans & Diane De Bie, Belgium

We stayed at your lovely country Te Urewera, near Lake Waikaremoana, in the spring of 2018 and brought home some of your lovely manuka honey. Since the corona crisis hit us, we are taking daily small amounts to boost our immune system


Aroha Armstrong, Wellington, NZ

Thanks Brenda
The honey was an absolute hit!


Bronwyn Yates

Kia ora, I bought quite a few gift packs of your honey last year. I want you to know that nearly everybody came back to tell me that they adored your honey. Just thought it might help your day 🙂


Tiro Henare, Wellington, NZ

Tēnā koe Brenda. I received your lovely honey today
. Look forward to ordering more for gifts in the near future! All the best to you and your whānau. Mauri ora.


Ricardo Carroll, NZ

Kia ora. I’ve placed an order of honey for my mother via your site today as we are regular consumers of your honey products. I particularly like the rewarewa honey in my lemon drinks
Keep up the great work!


Shelley Jonas, NZ

Kia Ora Manawa Honey. Just wanted to let you know I did get my honey and I am so happy. I shared with a friend and we LOVE it. Nga mihinui, Shelley.


Robert Clark, USA

I believe we will occasionally be getting more of the honey in the future. It is very hard to find legitimate Manuka honey here, and having bought yours in New Zealand I trust you and your company. Thank you very much!


Angela Armer, Bay of Plenty, NZ

Kia ora Brenda- thanks for your quick reply
We look forward to getting it, we just love your honey and we put it in all our baking and drinks and our morning porridge
I have also let my friends know all about it. You have great service and it’s good to have that these days. I have my beautician business at home and my products are kiwi made also and are Manuka honey based I just love it. Thanks once again.


Greg Steward, Rotorua, NZ

Kia ora Brenda, many thanks, we are well here, and have warm toast waiting for our tawari honey, the best in NZ.


Candy Gardner, USA

Just wanted to let you know your delicious honey DID arrive in time for Christmas and all are appreciative and very anxious to enjoy it!

Thank you so much
.Until the next order, Candy


Jasmine Burgman, NZ

I have just purchased  your honey, 3 in a box. I just wanted to say well done and what beautiful  honey it is. Nga mihi, Jasmine.


Amy Proctor, Pennsylvania, USA

I have a spoonful of your honey every morning to start my day.  The studies of the benefits of Manuka Honey are pretty impressive, so I’m giving it to my whole family as well. It just makes sense.  So I’ll be ordering from you regularly!


John McLean, Gisborne, NZ

I must say that my wife Shona and I really enjoy the Pua-a-Tane honey we recently purchased.  It is a treat of a honey which I prefer over all others
The Pua-a-Tane is really great.  I wish you every success with marketing it.


Linda Cottle, Tirau

The honey arrived and has been a great hit – I ordered enough to give to family for Xmas and everyone absolutely LOVES it – Stu also loves it, so no doubt I will make another order later.


Rawiri Faulkner, Lower Hutt

Last year I ordered a box of Honey from the Tuawhenua Trust and gave it out as Christmas presents. It is the nicest honey that I have tasted and all of the whanau wanted to know how to get more. Truly innovative kaupapa and above all taste is out of this world. It is a must on our breakfast table.


Meredith Griffiths, Canadian Tourist

When we’re back in Canada, I expect that we’ll order some honey! The Mahoe is out of this world
 we told everyone about it while we travelled through NZ.


Grania Kincaid, Pakuranga, Auckland

By the way I love the Tawari honey – it’s delicious! A real butterscotch flavour.


Goina Thedinga, Devonport, Auckland

I am actually really enjoying your honey They are all very nice.


Shari Kameta, Whakatane, NZ

How does one go about purchasing your honey? It’s so good! I was lucky to receive some honey as a gift. It was lovely and it’s great to have
such quality honey being produced in our rohe!


Gary Teneti, Auckland

I have been buying honeys of Te Urewera for the last 2 years and I have found that it has more of a natural taste then other store brought honeys. It has a sweet and floral flavour that other honeys I have purchased do not. I also appreciate that these honeys are produced in a pristine New Zealand wilderness and undergo very little processing. I can eat it almost straight from the hive.


Honey Tuhua, Ruatahuna

The honeys from Te Urewera have a natural sweetness that is better tasting than store bought honey. I have been buying this honey for the
past 2 years and have no desire to revert back to purchasing store-bought honey. I like the natural product that comes straight from the hive to my table. I have been purchasing this honey for my entire family and they too have noticed the difference between natural and processed honey. I have tried Te Urewera honey on an annoying itchy wound on my hand and found that the honey relieved the itch immediately on application.


Bronwyn Yates, Auckland

Kia ora, I bought quite a few gift packs of your honey last year. I want you to know that nearly everybody came back to tell me that they adored your honey. Just thought it might help your day. Congratulations!


Paul Krol, Toronto, Canada

I’m in Toronto, Canada – and my sister recently brought back some honey from NZ Tawari & Rewarewa in 2 small bottles of 110g each. They are super delicious and sound very healthy, etc
. Like other people I enjoy honey from time to time on foods or in coffee and I rarely cared where it was made, etc. After my sister returned from NZ with those 2 small honeys from your company I was hooked and that’s when I did some research to get more of that. So my uses are simply with desserts like ice cream, crepes for breakfast and I’ll try some with cheeses and fruits and maybe do a marinade for meat a couple of times. I also like the idea of the medicinal honeys that I would love to try once I get a sore throat, etc.


Ricardo Carroll, On-line shopper

I’ve placed an order of honey for my mother via your site today as we are regular consumers of your honey products. I particularly like the rewarewa honey in my lemon drinks
. Keep up the great work!


Nature’s Best Resources

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have read with interest your articles about Manawa honey, your history, values and vision and I have tried the Manuka honey, Tawari honey and Rewarewa honey. I have found your honeys to be superior in aroma, taste and grade and I would like to be able to market Manawa honey to my community.
Please send me information on how I may be a distributor of the range of Manawa Honey.
Thank you. Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards, Esther Sum


Larry and Susan

Larry and Susan were on a United flight from Montana to Washington DC.

When they opened up the inflight magazine there you were.

They were surprised that Manawa is such a global company.


Alison Townsend

Hi Brenda

The honey arrived yesterday, many thanks for your help with the order.

It is the best smelling and tasting honey we have bought in the last 10 years since we retired and sold our BoP beekeeping business!!

I hope the coming season goes well for you and your Bees!

All the best.


Maakarita Paku

It’s really cool seeing TĆ«hoe honey products on the shelves in our local supermarket.  The kids know the brand and love the honey.  I’m afraid it doesn’t sit in the cupboards for that long! Slathered on everything!


Jimmy Boswell Chef – South Waikato

For the past few years I have had the pleasure to use the wonderful honey from Manawa Honey in my recipes as well as professional and home cooking. I was very much attracted to their “Ethos” and commitment to bees in nature and bringing true New Zealand Native Honey to be available now around the country.
As a real food chef, the quality, texture and above all the flavour of their honey’s have and are a stand-out for me. Over the years I have worked with many of the iconic “Kiwi” brands that are available and Manawa is my first choice by far.

Their Rewarewa and Tāwari are standouts for me and work so well in both savoury and sweet dish cooking and I totally recommend them to one and all.


Aroha Armstrong, Auckland

Thanks Brenda
 The honey was as absolute hit! I’ll order some more to take for the next trip x


Shelley Jonas

Kia Ora Manawa Honey
 Just wanted to let you know I did get my honey and I am so happy. I share with a friend and we LOVE it


Lois King, Auckland

This morning at Novotel Ellerslie I sampled your pack of Tawari honey and found it to be delicious. I was very intrigued with the packaging and
thought it a very clever idea. My fingers did not get sticky as they did with the usual hotel/motel packs. Congratulations on an all-round good product. I will watch out for your product in the supermarkets.


Stephen Cameron, Tauranga

I had the best time with all the whanau I can’t wait to come back everyone was so cool. That honey is the best I have ever eaten, just love that butterscotch flavour. Can I buy a big tub and how much with courier cost to Tauranga


Pauline Pierson, France

I received a present : a small jar of honey Manuka + 5 which I found excellent. I shall wish to buy on your site your excellent Manuka +5 honey in 8 jars of 500 grams or all in all 4 kg


Graeme Orchard, On-line Shopper

Many thanks for your quick reply. I had no idea mahoe is so special but I’m still gutted! How do I explain this to my wife? She’s going to really miss it over the winter. Tell the bees to get back to work and find mahoe flowers for next season! It will be a good excuse though to venture out and try your tawari product, I’m not a big fan of manuka. I’ll place an order online now. Good luck with your company. Great to see you are doing so well


Penny Doorman, Whakatane

Hi Brenda – I hope you are well. I love your honey – especially the Tawari
(May 2015)