Manawa: Honey From The Heart

We’re from Ruatāhuna at the Heart of Māui’s Fish – the North Island of New Zealand. The purest place on earth.

We have built our honey business to sustain our people with jobs and good health, and to keep bees for what they do for our place and this planet. We specialise in producing the best native tree honeys from our vast untouched forests in Te Urewera – homeland of our tribe Tūhoe.

Exquisite honeys – taonga in taste and texture – magical Mānuka, stunning Rewarewa and rare Tāwari. Then there is Pua-ā-Tāne Wild Forest Honey – bounty of the god of the forest. Available to buy online or in selected stores throughout New Zealand.

For discerning honey-lovers in New Zealand and across the globe.