Rewarewa Honey & Blueberry Smoothie

Rewarewa Honey & Blueberry Smoothie


1 cup frozen blueberries

2/3 cup banana in chunks, fresh or frozen

1 tbspn Manawa Rewarewa Honey

1 cup milk

1 tbspn almond butter or almonds (optional)

1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)

1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional)



Place the frozen fruits into the blender, add the Rewarewa Honey, then the milk, nuts and flavouring if you want to include them. Blend for 30 seconds to a minute until smooth.

Best served immediately. Serves 2.



We’ve chosen Rewarewa Honey to go with blueberries in this smoothie as together they pack a real punch of anit-oxidants to keep you in great health. Rewarewa Honey also has the depth of flavour to go with the blueberries.

Alternative honeys to use in this smoothie recipe are Pua-ā-Tāne Wild Forest Honey for its taste or Mānuka Honey if you’re after that ultimate tonic.

Whilst you can make this smoothie with all frozen fruits we recommend just the blueberries to be frozen – it’s easier on your blender! If both your fruits are frozen, you can leave them to thaw a little before blending to get a perfect result.

For milk you can use dairy milk, coconut milk, almond milk or other plant-based milks. They all come out delicious in this smoothie.

For the nuts in this smoothie, we prefer almonds, but you can use sesame or sunflower seeds, chia or flax, peanuts or pecans. Or you can leave them out altogether if you don’t prefer them.

It’s similar with the flavouring. Cinnamon adds goodness and spice; vanilla a clean delicious complement to the blueberries and bananas. But if you don’t have them or don’t prefer them then just leave them out.

We don’t use protein or other additive powders in our smoothies, but if you do, go ahead and add them as you prefer.

Whilst best served immediately, you can keep this smoothie in the fridge for much of a day, say to have for a snack or lunch. You can freeze also any leftover smoothie for popsicles for a later treat.


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