Plum & Honey Compote

Plum & Honey Compote


12 plums, red or black, firm-ripe

2 good teaspoons Tāwari or Pua-ā-Tāne Wild Forest Honey, or more to your taste

½ cup water



Wash the plums. Split them in half, then pull them apart and remove the pits. Add them to a saucepan with the honey and water. Cook over medium-low heat, covered, for about 5-8 min, until the plums are soft.

Take the pan off the heat and let it cool. Add more honey for additional sweetening if you prefer. Serve with its juice either lukewarm or at room temperature.

When cool, you can blend the compote using blender or liquidiser, if you prefer to turn the compote into a coulis, with smooth consistency, for topping ice-cream or yoghurt.



The compote keeps up to 10 days in the refrigerator (if it lasts that long) or up to 4 months in the freezer.

Whilst you can use any plums for this recipe, later season plums with good colour and depth of flavour such as George Wilson, Omega or Black Doris plums are best for this compote.

Tāwari Honey is excellent with any fruits as its taste enhances rather than masks the flavour of the fruits. But with dark coloured plums, Pua-ā-Tāne Wild Forest is also great to use – indeed at Manawa Honey, it’s our favourite for this plum compote.

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